
Choose your subscription to FluencyNet:

Select a Membership Type 1 Year FluencyNet  Subscription ($174.95)
Save over $60 on the practice system when you choose this option. This option is only for those who already have the FluencyNet software and standard FluencyNet Microphone and wish to extend the FluencyNet software subscription for another year.

30 Day FluencyNet Subscription ($19.95)
Choose this option if you already have the FluencyNet software and the standard FluencyNet microphone and wish to extend your FluencyNet software subscription for another 30 days.

6 Month FluencyNet Subscription ($99.95)
Choose this option if you already have the FluencyNet Software and Standard FluencyNet Microphone and wish to extend your subscription to the FluencyNet software for 6 additional months.

90 Day FluencyNet Subscription ($54.95)
Choose this option if you already have the FluencyNet software and the standard FluencyNet microphone and wish to extend your FluencyNet Software Subscription for 90 more days.

Initial Free FluencyNet Software, Subscription & Standard Microphone ($54.95)
If you have never used FluencyNet, this option is for you. This payment and registration will allow you receive the Standard FluencyNet microphone, free FluencyNet software and free initial 30 day FluencyNet software subscription.

HCRI uses the Secure PayPal Payment System PayPal - See for description
Your Name
(Your first & last name)
Your E-Mail Address
will be used to send confirmation
Choose a Log-in Name (User ID)
enter your preferred user id
This log-in name will be used after payment
to activate the FluencyNet software.
(Must be at least 4 or more characters)
check for uniqueness
Choose a Password
Must be 4 or more characters
Confirm your password
enter password again